The following is an excerpt from a letter by Associated Bank:

401 E. Kilbourn Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202-0522
Phone: (414) 271 - 1786 Fax: (414) 280 - 2223

On January 27th 1995, a whole new world opened for me, and for elementary school children everywhere. The first Kids Own Bank was born. I really did not know what to expect from this venture. To my amazement and delight it was a huge success, as Wisconsin elementary school children were learning about banking and saving money. I had expected the bank to be busy for a few weeks and then die down, but what happened was just the opposite, it kept growing and growing.

More kids were opening accounts every day. One of our students has in excess of $150.00 in the savings account in less than a year.

I started getting requests from other schools. I now have 5 schools which have opened banks since the inception of this program.

In the hopes that other banks would open Kids Own Banks in other schools we sought the assistance of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee in designing curriculum to assist the elementary school banking program.

I strongly believe that with the University's assistance, children across the country will now obtain a faster start in learning about what banking and savings can do for them.

Donald A. Cohen
Manager Community Real Estate Lending

The following is an excerpt from a letter by Bank One:

Kids at Phillis Wheatley to Manage Bank Bank One Sponsoring Kids Own Bank and Curriculum

Milwaukee, WI (April9, 1997) - Kids at Phillis Wheatley Elementary School, 2442 N. 20th, are going to find out what it is like to be banking officers, run a bank and save for their future. Bank One, Wisconsin in Milwaukee is underwriting the establishment of a Kids Own Bank in the school and the curriculum books to help kids learn about money management.

Kids need to know more about managing their money, how banks work as well as how to use math to calculate interest", stated Ora Ewing, Principal at Phillis Wheatley. "This program is a fun and challenging way to introduce these concepts to our children".

An actual bank will be established in the school. Students will select a bank President and other bank officers to manage the bank. Students will be encouraged to open their savings account through the school bank with the first $1 being provided by Bank One. When the account reaches $10 it is transferred to Bank One and begins to earn interest.

In addition to the running of the bank, Bank One is sponsoring the curriculum books and CD-ROM that will help teach the students about banking principal and lifelong skills in money management.

"We feel this is an ideal way to help support teachers in building these types of skills in students", stated Kelly Skindzelewski, Community Relations Director for Bank One. "We hope the children will learn early the value of saving and making financial choices".

Aaron Slocum has been elected as the President of the student bank. He will be responsible for overseeing the operations of the bank working with teacher Melissa Rezner.

Bank One added that Americans continue to lag behind other countries in the percent of their income saved. "Parents and teachers continue to express concern about our inability to save", said Skindzelewski. "This program is designed to help address that concern".

Kids Own Banks have been established in more than ten other schools in Wisconsin and are proving to be successful

Bank One, Wisconsin is affiliated with Banc One Corporation.

The following are excerpts from two letters from Us Bank, fomerly Firstar Bank:

January 30, 1997

Dear Mr. Anhalt:

...Polly Harper, Bank Manager, at our Wisconsin @ 26th Street office will lead our effort in this endeavor.

We at Firstar believe that the Kids Own Bank can be an important tool in teaching children the value of our monetary system. We hope to become involved in this first effort and determine if our presence can be effective in achieving your goals as well as ours.

We are very happy to have been able to make the contribution and participate in the education of our children in this manner. Polly Harper will work with you to implement the effort.


Drucilla Pasley

March 27, 1997

Addressed to Wisconsin Avenue School

Dear Mr. Burk and Mrs. Miller:

It was truly a pleasure being at the Grand Opening Ceremony of WISCONSIN AVENUE SCHOOL EAGLES SAVINGS BANK. I was very proud and impressed with the discipline and hard work that was put into the program by all of your students and staff. I would like to thank the School-To-Work Committee for developing the partnership, the P.T.O. for the delicious refreshments and Klose Flowers for the unique corsages.

I saw a lot of talent being developed i.e.. the Art Class that completed the Eagles, the Recorder Club, the Cheerleaders, Room 13 This Little Eagle and especially the Drummer and the poem by Rebecca Ruiz. Tell them to keep up the good work! Your Bank Officers were great...

I look forward to the program in October an our staff discussing Banking with your students and staff next semester. Again it was a pleasure and tell everyone to have a safe summer.


Polly Harper
Office Manager

The following is an excerpt from a letter by North Shore Bank:

Jody M. Schneider
Branch Manager

12800 West National Avenue · New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151
Phone: (414) 785 - 4120 · Fax: (414) 785 - 4127

"Dear Mr. Ed Anhalt:

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jody Schneider and I am the branch manager of the New Berlin office of North Shore Bank, FSB. The reason for my writing you today is to extend a very important invitation to you regarding a program called "Kids Own Bank". North Shore Bank and Hoover Elementary have recently become partners in what will be a great opportunity for our children to learn financial responsibility. I encourage you to come and join in the fun and show your support for the children of our community while we celebrate the "Grand Opening of the 1st ever "Hoover Bank"!

Please join us to help celebrate and learn about what North Shore Bank and the children of our community are doing to learn financial responsibility,


Jody M. Schneider
Branch Manager
North Shore Bank, FSB"

The following is an excerpt from M&I & You, an internal publication, dated March, 1999:

"We Save Money, Yes We Do!"

New 'Kids Own Bank' Gives Students Something to Cheer About

In Fall of last year, M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank's Walker's Point office helped a group of young students move a step closer to lifelong financial security. A new "bank" in Vieau Elementary School is helping children learn about saving money and now money can grow when it is deposited in a bank account. An all-school assembly introduced 600 kindergarten through eighth graders to how the bank will work.

The students have the opportunity to make minimum deposits of 25 cents each month. Once their account balance reaches $9.50, M&I will give the child an additional 50 cents. They can then deposit the money into an account at the Walker's Point office of M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank.

Jose Rodriguez, branch manager of M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank's South office and Walker's Point office, urged the children to talk to their parents about saving money and compared to saving money to something most of us relate to. "The more you eat, the fatter you get", said Rodriguez. "The more you save, the 'fatter' your account gets".

The children have taken their advice. The program is so successful, they've already run out of deposit slips. Nina Zealy, a full-time counselor and the coordinator of the bank program at the school, said the children have already deposited over $1,400 and one child saved over $80. As least 50 students have saved enough money to open an account at Walker's Point office of M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank. "We're hoping to give them the incentive, knowledge and responsibility to help them save money for their future," said Zealy. She added that a banking curriculum taught in the classroom will also reinforce what they learn about saving money and the value of a dollar.

As an additional component of the program, the school's tellers, who represent several grades, visited the Walker's Point office of M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank and took a tour to become more acquainted with how a bank works.

The program is endorsed by the Greater Milwaukee Education Trust and underwriting costs are paid by M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank.